Emails, letters, and phone calls have come in a steady stream. Readers have found lost faith, renewed strength, and new reasons to live by way of I Shall Not Die. The sales of both the hardcopy and E-book versions have exceeded my expectations. The posted reviews on have been overwhelming, and the Facebook posts and private notes have been more than humbling. As I've digested the magnitude of it all, there have been many days that I've found myself in tears.

My 2011 calendar has more speaking engagements lined up on it than I've ever had in past years. From Mississippi to the nation's capital of Washington DC; from my home state of Georgia to the state of North Carolina; from Maryland to Lousiana and more. Even dates in 2012 have already been booked as I'm being
A little known fact about me is that I've been a licensed minister since the age of 21. The pulpit (or stage for that matter) has never been my comfort zone. When I began publishing books in 2002, I saw it as a way to minister without the mic. But lo and behold, in a manner in which only He could orchestrate, the Lord has brought my life full circle, and I'm being placed in the position to exercise the ministry (in the form of empowerment speaking) that was bestowed on me by Him many years ago. Sometimes we have to come out of those comfort zones to completely fulfill our purpose. And now, though standing in front of a crowd may very

I am so very grateful for this new season and this new day in my life. Stay tuned. More will be revelealed when the time is right. In the meantime, check the calendar on my website and/or connect with me on Facebook so that you can be made aware of my whereabouts as I travel the globe speaking, facilitating, signing books, etc. If I'm ever in or around your area, please join me!